If you are new here, Links I Love is my Friday wrap-up series. I am online and reading so much content so I wanted to use this to share with my friends without having to blow up their inboxes (Yes, this blog is that old.) Every Friday, that I can, I’ll try to share some things I’ve seen on the internet that are interesting (in my humble opinion).
♥ This weekend, I’m doing a Fall Collection giveaway on Instagram. You can enter to win a print and five cards up until midnight on 9/13/2020, so, good luck if you’re entering!
♥ In memory of Patriot Day, I’m recommending the following documentaries In the Shadow of the Towers: Stuyvesant High on 9/11 and What Happened on September 11 (which is free.) There are a lot of other 9/11 documentaries that I’ve watched over the past nineteen years but these two are quite recent and both offer perspectives that were poignant to my experience as someone who was in middle school at that time.
♥ I’m still in love with these small, insightful videos from Bonnie Tsang on her YouTube channel. They’re so soothing and she does an amazing job composing these shots.
♥ I spent way too long scrolling Elliot Ulm’s Instagram account with his witty quips of #LifeofaDesigner.
♥ This Coffee Things shirt from our local coffee shop, Qreate Coffee, is everything I’ve needed in my entire quarantine wardrobe.
♥ The ladies from The Product Boss are running their Rock Your Holiday Promotions digital course again soon. This course was super helpful for me to prep this place for the holidays so I cannot recommend it enough.
♥ I’m late to talk about it here but I adore this Tia Mowry x Etsy collaboration so, so much.
♥ I’ve been listening to More Love – Songs from Little Voice Season One by Sara Bareilles as much as possible to soothe me into the fall season. We’re having a lot of rainy days here so I’m missing the long afternoons in coffee shops.
Around the Studio

♥ I’ll be speaking at the WPMRR Virtual Summit on September 24, 2020. This two-day conference is put on by the cool people at WP Buffs and spoiler alert: tickets are free.
♥ I’m currently getting the 2020 Holiday Gift Guide ready to go. If you have small businesses you’re wanting to recommend, please comment below!