Links I Love – 06.26.2020

Links I Love with a heart in a yellow pink gradient

What a week! I haven’t blogged twice in a week in years. I’m also posting on Instagram several times. What is this? What has quarantine done to me? Folx, I’m exhausted. I haven’t been able to write the “What Not to Do When Launching an E-commerce Business” post but I am working on it.

If you are new here, Links I Love is my Friday wrap-up series. I am online and reading so much content so I wanted to use this to share with my friends without having to blow up their inboxes (Yes, this blog is that old.) Every Friday, that I can, I’ll try to share some things I’ve seen on the internet that are interesting (in my humble opinion).

♥ My big one this week is the Lesbians Who Tech Pride Summit (Not IRL). This whole summit has been phenomenal. I’ve always wanted to attend this amazing event and it has not disappointed. If we’re in the AC (after COVID-19) next year, I’ll do my best to attend. A lot of the keynote sessions with amazing humans like Angelica Ross, Elizabeth Warren, Stacey Abrams, Megan Rapinoe, and others are up on their Facebook page. I will say my favorite sessions have been the “smaller” break-out sessions via Zoom. Ariel Belgrave, the founder of Gym Hooky, led a fantastic workshop called, “The Importance of Self Care in the Age of Black Lives Matter: Taking Care of Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Self.” Also, this amazing playlist has been the soundtrack to the event, and what better way to better yourself than with amazing tunes to accompany you?

This article by Leigh Stein dismantling the myth of the Girlboss has been making the rounds online and for good reason. There needs to be a larger conversation happening about abuse at the hands of people perpetuating commercialized feminism for their personal gain and not for the betterment of their sisters.

Ron Tinlsey wrote this powerful open letter to the white graphic design community. As someone who is “in” the design and tech community, I’ve been let down by the stances so many people who have positions of power have taken over the years. Currently, so many of those leaders are now adopting the voice of change and empowerment of Black people. I’m questioning a lot of voices and continuing to do my power to uplift Black creatives on the platforms I have.

♥ Speaking of uplifting Black creatives, how amazing is Sharee Miller’s Instagram account? She’s amazing. I’m in love with this piece.

♥ I will yell on the hill of Dana Tanamachi as much as I can for as long as I live. The MiiR x Tanamachi Drinkware & Coffee collection is all I want. Give me all of the things.

♥ I’m catching up on Second Life Podcast episodes and this episode with Justina Blakeney left me with plenty of notes.

♥ I’ve been watching Taste the Nation with Padma Laksmi and it’s so great. If you’re looking for something light, I highly recommend it.

Around the Studio

Three different illustrated floral pattern notecards on a brown background with a shadow overlay

♥ New products have been added into the shop, including these amazing note cards!

♥ We talked to Ben O’Keefe about activism on the podcast.

♥ ICYMI, I shared some insight into the Summer Solstice Collection and how this revamp came to be.

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Angelica Yarde
Angelica Yarde

My name is Angel Yarde. I am a designer, front-end developer, and speaker. I am the editor and designer of Studio 404 whic was founded in December 2006. In January 2014, I launched Studio 404 Paper, a paper shop which includes type-focused greeting cards, note cards, and prints. I currently reside in Celebration, Florida where I co-own a branding strategy studio, Sevenality, with my husband.

Articles: 676

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