I spend a lot of time working out, and most of that time is taking group courses at my local gym. I can honestly say three years ago, I would have probably peed my pants before attempted to doing a plank (not to be confused with the ever so thought-cringing, planking) in front of other people. Now it’s one of the best part of my days. Granted, I am not as flexible as the lovely lady in the picture above doesn’t mean I won’t be someday. I always think of the amount of times I thought I would never be able to do something and how I have conquered those things so easily.
With one step, I entered my first Zumba class with a good friend of mines and now I haven’t looked back. I, woman who easily spends sixteen hours a day in front of a computer screen, own a gym membership and I actually use it. I no longer hide in the confinement of my apartment’s gym during the wee hours of the morning. Although on rainy days, I do partake of my P90x videos so I won’t have to leave the house.
The point is, I may not be able to stand on my head or do a three-toed sloth today but who knows what I may be able to do in the future? Do you ever allow yourself to limit your progress? Take a small step outside of your comfort zone. There are plenty of positive results out there just waiting for you to claim them.
That’s awesome! Planks are SO much harder than they look! 😛
Caity’s latest post: Wordless Wednesday: Josh has a quest for you.