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Blogging 101: May Blog Tips Roundup

Blogging 101: Blogging Tips Roundup


I’m so sorry I didn’t get to do a Blog Tips Roundup last month but this month makes up for it. I’ve included some of the links from the previous month but they are all too helpful not to share. I won’t talk too much so let’s get started.

Moodboard Guide by Corina of Cocorrina


Moodboard Guide – Corina of Cocorrina

So this may divulge into more of a design tip than a blogging tip. However, moodboards are becoming a huge part of not just design blogs but fashion, lifestyle, and photography blogs are well. Corina did a great job in explaining some helpful tips in creating moodboards. Inspiration is a huge part of blogging and moodboards are a great way of creating inspiration.

Never Stop Tweaking Your Website - Zoe Rooney


Never Stop Tweaking Your Website – Zoe Rooney

What’s great about having a blog is that it’s yours for as long as you want it. I have never felt my blog was perfect and I’m glad I chose a CMS that allows me to easily make changes.  Zoe does a great job in explaining how to never stop making changes. Your blog is a reflection of what you’d like it to be so choose to be your own editor. Check out different user experience options, design options, SEO practices, and more. The web is always changing so don’t allow yourself to be stuck in the past.

Activity Breeds Activity - Shauna of Nubby Twiglet


Activity Breeds Activity – Shauna of Nubby Twiglet

One of the questions I get most from new bloggers is how to get comments and subscribers. In a world where thousands of blogs are being created everyday, how do you find an active audience? Shauna does a great job in explaining how being an active blog owner breeds activity on your own blog. To get more, you have to give. Trust me, from personal experience, it works. vs WordPress.Org - Noor AlQahtani vs. WordPress.Org – Noor AlQahanti

Another big WordPress question I get often is what is the difference between and self-hosted WordPress at WordPress.Org. Noor has written up a great post explaining the benefits of both. She also provided helpful tips to help you decide which platform is best for you. I have been using self-hosted WordPress for the past six years and I have no regrets. If you’re thinking of switching from another blogging platform, be sure to take a look at Noor’s post.

6 Easy Ways to Make Your Blog Pretty  - Shanice of Modern Mint Design


6 Easy Ways to Make Your Blog Pretty – Shanice of Modern Mint Designs

So have you ever visited a blog and thought, “Wow, that person really has their stuff together!”? You can too! I know there are certain things that require HTML/CSS knowledge or even design knowledge; however, there are small organizational tips you can follow to make your blog stand out. Shanice offers some great, helpful tips on how to spruce your blog up a bit. If all else fails, hire a designer.

Bloggers You Don't Want To Be - Katelynn Brooke Blog


Bloggers You Don’t Want to Be – Katelyn of Katelyn Brooke Blog

We all have come across that blog of someone who just seems to enjoy doing everything wrong. I know that lately I have come across a few blogs with posts that make me cringe. Katelyn offers a few great examples of bloggers you probably don’t want to come across as. I know we all have flaws as bloggers but some things are  avoidable. Let your blog be a reflection of yourself.

Sourcing & Linking - Bethany of Love Grows Design

Sourcing & Linking – Bethany of Love Grows Design

If you haven’t noticed, I am a huge advocate of sourcing and linking. I post images by different artists here all of the time and I am allowed that opportunity because of the way I link back.  Bethany wrote an amazing post on the importance of sourcing and linking. Wouldn’t it suck to have your content shard but have no credit given back? It happens to the best of us, especially with images floating around large social networks like Pinterest. Sometimes a reverse Google Image search makes the world of a difference in giving proper credit. I would encourage you, if you aren’t already, to always provide links for content that is not your own.

 Designating A Blogging Space - Celestine of Java Aficionado


Designating a Blogging Space – Celestine of Java Avicionado 

I often feel as if my surroundings dictate the outcome of my blog posts.  I always try to blog in an area that offers the best inspiration and peace of mind. Celestine wrote a great post on the importance of designating a blogging space. While we don’t think our environment effects us often, I would encourage you to try to blog in a new place. Have you ever blogged outdoors? Try it! You never know what may happen.

Making Images SEO & Pinterest Friendly - Angie of This Muse Is Taken


Making Images SEO & Pinterest Friendly – Angie of This Muse is Taken

There are so many different ways to increase your traffic. One of the best ways is to make your blog more SEO friendly. Angie wrote a great short article on how to use your image’s alt  tags to create SEO friendly images. In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, take the time to check out this easy SEO guide. It’s extremely helpful and easy to follow.

Staying Motivated to Blog - Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky

Staying Motivated to Blog – Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky

So how do we continue to be motivated to blog? Elizabeth goes over quite a few tips that help her keep her blogging drive up. I like what she says about blogging for yourself. It’s nice to have readers and comments, but you are here because you want to be. I always keep that in the back of my mind as I construct my blog posts.

I hope these have helped a bit! Looking forward to next month’s roundup.

Angelica Yarde
Angelica Yarde

My name is Angel Yarde. I am a designer, front-end developer, and speaker. I am the editor and designer of Studio 404 whic was founded in December 2006. In January 2014, I launched Studio 404 Paper, a paper shop which includes type-focused greeting cards, note cards, and prints. I currently reside in Celebration, Florida where I co-own a branding strategy studio, Sevenality, with my husband.

Articles: 676


  1. Angel! I always look forward to your Blog Tips Roundup! I swear, your bookmarks must be full of goodness. 🙂

    I have so many windows opened up right now, lol. I can not wait to start reading them all. Especially the ones about moodboards, sourcing and linking, and zoe’s post. These are all things that I’ve been constantly thinking about.

    Great roundup! And thank youuu. 🙂
    Latrina’s latest post: A day with the girlsMy Profile

  2. Love this post! My favorites would be the tips from Zoe Rooney and Katelyn Brooke. I’ve tweaked my website so much in the last few months that I actually forgot what it originally looked like. I never hired anyone to fix it for me. I just forced myself to learn how to do it. And now, if I’m itching for a small change here and there, I can do it on my own! On the Katelyn Brooke topic, I must admit that this is one thing I’m always cautious about. Grammar, spelling, proper crediting and intelligent writing can really go a long way.

    p.s. Thanks for the shout out! <3
    Celestine’s latest post: Father’s Day Gift GuideMy Profile

    • No problem dear! I agree, it’s important to be cautious about grammar, spelling and crediting. It makes your blog stand out among thousands!

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