Links I Love – 4.26.13

TGIF! This week seemed to drag on by but  I’m excited by all of the opportunities we picked up after one week back in Orlando. I’ll be posting some pictures tomorrow from my time in Jacksonville so stay tuned! I’ve…
TGIF! This week seemed to drag on by but  I’m excited by all of the opportunities we picked up after one week back in Orlando. I’ll be posting some pictures tomorrow from my time in Jacksonville so stay tuned! I’ve…
I’m super excited about this post! I actually came across this site via Pinterest (thanks Breanna!) and fell in love immediately. MNML Thing is an ongoing series of minimalistic illustrations of every day objects. The idea comes from designer Spencer…
This week has been extremely busy! I’m in the middle of a few print projects that I’m very excited about and finishing some tweaks on the never-ending tea branding project. I am girl who loves a good slab-serif so I…