Links I Love: 1.4.13

It’s been quite a while since I’ve worked on a Links I Love post. This year, I want to share the resources I find inspiring during the week and share them here with you. The first print of the year…
It’s been quite a while since I’ve worked on a Links I Love post. This year, I want to share the resources I find inspiring during the week and share them here with you. The first print of the year…
If I haven’t told you how much I adore Katie Daisy’s work, then I clearly need to speak up more about it. Artist Katie Daisy is known for her amazing paintings and her type illustrations. She recently had the opportunity…
We’ve started the year with the hope of getting the house in good decorating shape. I’ve been looking at a few different options for office inspiration. Here are a few of my favorites! Sources: 1 | 2 | 3  |…